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Schools Closed- Asynchronous Learning Day/ All Activities and Athletics Cancelled 1/21/25

Freedom Middle

Dekalb County Schools

Media Center Policies

Operating hours: 
Hours:  8:30A - 4:00P    Monday - Friday
Pass from Teacher:  
Students should obtain a pass from their teacher to avoid being marked absent or tardy from class. 
Book Checkouts:  
Students may check out up to 3 books at a time for a loan period of 3 weeks.
Book Search:
Destiny Online Catalog is used to search for all print, eBooks, and digital books found in Freedom Middle School's media center.  
Overdue books (returned after the due date):
Books that are returned after the due date will incur a $.05 fine per day up to a maximum of $2.00. 
Lost/Damaged library books:
Students that lose or damage library book(s) will be responsible for the replacement cost of the book(s). 
Computer workstations & printing:
Computer workstations are available for student use.  If your DCSD chrome book is damaged or inoperable,  you are able to complete assignments on the media center computers. Assignments can be emailed to your teachers, submitted through VERGE,  or printed at a cost of $.10 per page. 
Need help with your class assignments?
 LaunchPad is DeKalb County School District's portal to digital resources like Office 365, GALILEO, World Book, Brain Pop, MyOn Reading, Pebble Books,  and many more.  You will need to enter your active directory (computer) login information.